Special offers

- Hôtel Vinci Due -

Our exclusive offers

Enjoy a range of exclusive offers on the official website of the Vinci Due Hotel.

Long Stay Breakfast Offer

Book a reservation on our long stay offer and make your stay unforgettable while enjoying a 15% discount, including breakfast.


  • -15% off calculated on the flexible breakfast rate
  • Breakfast included

Booking conditions:

  • A minimum stay of 3 nights is required and some periods may be excluded depending on hotel availability.
  • All reservations must be guaranteed by a valid credit card.
  • Reservation is non-cancellable, non-changeable and non-refundable.
  • 100% of the reservation is charged upon confirmation.

Flexible Offer

Take advantage of our flexible offer with free cancellation up to 48 hours before arrival.

Advantages :

  • Valid every day of the week
  • Your stay can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the day you arrive
  • Best available rate

Booking conditions:

  • All cancellations or modifications are allowed up to 48 hours before the day of arrival
  • All the reservations must be guaranteed by a valid credit card
  • A pre-authorization of the first night will be applied at booking time

Flexible Breakfast Offer

Enjoy our exceptional offer, with breakfast included for one or two persons.

Advantages :

  • Valid every day of the week
  • Your stay can be cancelled up to 48 hours before the day you arrive
  • Best available rate
  • Breakfast included
  • -50% on breakfast

Booking conditions:

  • All cancellations or modifications are allowed up to 48 hours before the day of arrival
  • All the reservations must be guaranteed by a valid credit card
  • A pre-authorization of the first night will be applied at booking time

Romantic Package

Add some bubbles and love to your stay with this romantic package that includes a bottle of Louis Régnier Champagne (75cL) in your room, macaroons from Ladurée, a gift from the Hotel Vinci Due, buffet breakfast and a 45 minutes access to the spa.

Booking conditions:

  • All cancellations or modifications are allowed up to 48 hours before the day of arrival.
  • All reservations must be guaranteed by a valid credit card.
  • A pre-authorization of the first night will be applied at booking time.
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